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As a quiet but also curious and enthusiastic person, I have always shown special interest in the stories, dreams, thoughts, feelings and experiences of my fellow human beings. At one point, the idea of studying psychology popped into my head and ever since it has felt like the right thing for me. At the same time, I also wanted to discover something new (and preferably the whole world). After growing up in France, I studied in different countries: in Germany, Austria, and Lebanon, and traveled through some other countries. In my online practice I mainly work with people who live abroad, i.e., live in Germany but come from another country or live outside of Germany.  Typical topics are loneliness, not belonging, living far away from one’s family, relationships, staying abroad or not. Other common topics include anxiety, fear, fatigue, self-doubt, and negative thoughts, etc.

Do these topics sound familiar to you?

I have been offering online counseling as a psychologist since I completed my master's degree! You can find more information about how I can help you under “Services”.

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Online psychological counseling

Are you looking for help, but would you like to combine it with the least amount of effort? Then you’re in the right place! Psychological online counseling helps you maintain your mental health from the comfort of your home, without a long waiting list or journey.

Book your free first session now!

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"What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation."

- Glenn Close

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You may often feel like others have experienced worse and your problems are not important enough to get help. To this, I would like to say that every person who wants it can benefit from psychological counselling, no matter how big or small the problems are. It is also enough of a reason if you simply need to talk or want to do it as a form of prevention. It takes courage to face oneself and I want to accompany you on this path!

I am the right psychologist for you if you fall into any of those categories:

  • Do you feel anxious, nervous, stressed out? Do you often have doubts? Do you feel like you have too little control or sense of security? Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed? Do you often feel like you’re not (good) enough?

  • Do you have difficulties setting boundaries?  Are experiencing challenges because you live abroad or suffer from other factors that make you feel bad?

  • Do you often wonder what you can do to feel better and if you will ever feel better again? How to get your life back on track? How to get rid of your fear and negative thoughts?


If you recognize yourself in those examples, you’ve come to the right place! I offer online individual psychological counseling for people aged 15 or older! All prices can be found under "Appointments" or by clicking on "Book now".

In my counseling sessions you can address all the topics that are important to you and get things off your chest. You can learn to handle difficult situations and uncertainty, organize your thoughts, and deal with your feelings in a healthy way. We can also work on your self-esteem, your relationship with other people, your anxiety and your stress level. All you have to do is make an appointment for an online consultation by clicking on the registration card below or sending me a message via the contact form at the bottom of the page. I will contact you within a few days.


Contact    /    Tel : +4915774737562

For any questions before making an appointment, contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thank you for your message!

  • What if I want to cancel my appointment?
    You can cancel your session up to 24 hours without being charged for the session. After that, you will still have to pay for the session as this time slot will be reserved for you even if you don't attend. Exceptions to this policy are unforeseeable emergencies: if you or someone close to you get hurt for example.
  • How often should I book a session?
    There is no rule when it comes to the frequency of your appointments. Depending on your needs, I recommend one appointment a week, every other week, or every 3 to 4 weeks.
  • How can I book an appointment?
    In order to book an appointment, you can simply click on the button at the top of the page or under "Services". You can also send me a message via the contact form or e-mail and I will book an appointment for you.
  • How do I know if your services are the right fit for me?
    You can find a lot of examples concerning the topics I can help you with under "Services". As a psychologist who works online, I don't do diagnosis and I don't handle acute crises and severe psychiatric disorders. If you are unsure whether you fit into that category or not, please feel free to send me a message or book a free first session.
  • Which platforms do you use for the sessions?
    I use Jitsi as it is free, requires no registration, has no time limit and is end-to-end encrypted. On rare occasions, for example if the connection is unstable, I use WhatsApp.
  • How much does a session cost?
    You can find all available services including the prices if you click on "Book now" or "Appointments" at the top of the page. For any custom price inquiery, you can contact me via e-mail at
  • Will the price for the sessions increase over time?
    While I might update the prices for the sessions from time to time, you will normally keep paying the price we agreed on during the first session. If I need to increase it, I will first discuss this with you during one of our sessions.
  • How do I pay for the sessions?
    You have the possibility to pay via bank transfer, PayPal, Western Union, or in cash. You will find detailed information about this on each invoice I will send you.
  • Do I have to pay before or after each session?
    This is up to you. Some of my clients pay right after, others prefer to pay for several sessions at a time in advance. You have 7 days after receiving the invoice to pay for the full amount. The only exception is if you booked a bundle: then you have to pay at least 24 hours before the first appointment.
  • How do you enforce data protection?
    Jitsi and WhatsApp both use end-to-end encryption, meaning that no one should be able to access our meetings and messages. However, there still is a small risk as their servers are in different countries and those could possibly be accessed. I always send a pdf with an explanation about this after the first session, explaining that you should never send me sensitive information via e-mail unless we encrypt them.
  • How do you protect your notes, invoices or other information on your devices?"
    All documents are password protected and encrypted using a programm that itself requires another password. And I am of course not allowed to discuss anything about my clients with anyone else.
  • Is everything I say confidential?
    Yes, with a few exceptions where I am required by law to break our confidentiality agreement: if you plan on hurting someone else or yourself, and in case of child abuse at any time.
  • What are your qualifications?
    I have a Master's degree in psychology, meaning I finished all of my training as a psychologist. However, I regularly do additional training.
  • Are you a psychologist or a psychotherapist?
    I am a psychologist and not a psychotherapist, as I have not undergone any additional specialized training to become a psychotherapist.
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