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5 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Feel Stuck in Life

Are you in a situation that is making you miserable? Do you feel like you need a change but are unsure what that change could be or look like? Do you feel unhappy in your job or relationship but can't seem to find a solution or move forward? Or do you just have a diffuse feeling of insatisfaction or not been where you want to be in life? Feeling stuck can be very challenging and take a toll on us. Here is a list of questions that might help you see things more clearly and get a sense of what you could do to get unstuck:

"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience" – Henry Miller

#1 - What would your life look like if all you did was in alignment with who you are?

Think a moment about the person you are. About your personality, your resources, your aspirations and dreams. Now let go of all the expectations, the voices telling you that this is silly and "you have obligations" and "things just don't work like that". Just picture yourself and try to think of what your life would look like if you could just decide and get everything you hoped for. What would it look like? Would you be working? If yes, what would your job be? Or would you have several jobs? Would you be in one or several relationships? What would you do in your free time?

#2 - What do you value in life?

This question is especially important if you had trouble answering the first one. We tend to be most satisfied, when we act and live life according to our values. Those values can vary greatly from one person to another. So, take a moment of your time and ask yourself what you value in life. Now rank those values in an order of priority. Are there conflicting values? Do you have some that you already life accordingly? Which values are important to you but left out if you look at your life right now?

#3 - Which aspects of your life, job, and/or relationship bother you?

This is a pretty self explanatory question. Write everything down that comes to mind, even the most insignificant things. One further step might be to underline the things you actually have control over or can influence to some extend.

#4 - If you could change anything in your life, what would you want to change first?

If you answered the third question, you now have a list of things that bother you and that you could change. Now, you can decide which things you actually want to change. Not everything that bothers you and you have control over needs a reaction. And if you do want to change everything, it might be hard do decide how to proceed with everything at the same time. So, what do you want or need to change first? Did an answer come up with something that was not included on your list of things you can change?

#5 - What is one thing you could change or one decision you could make right now?

If you worked through all those questions, you might have an idea of the aspects in your life that need some work and on what you could and would like to change. The next step is to take action or, just to make a decision that can lead to action!

Do you still feel stuck? Don't worry. Most problems require more than a short article and five questions to be solved!

This article and the questions are just meant to be thought impulses to get a clearer picture. Maybe they helped you get unstuck, maybe not. Reflecting on your life and values is something that is beneficial no matter where you are in life. Let me know in the comments if other questions came to your mind and which ones you found most helpful. Is there anything you had never asked yourself before?

If you need more help working on your values, what you want in life, and taking the necessary decisions and steps towards the life you want to lead, I can help you do that. Don't hesitate to book your free first appointment or contact me via the contact formular on my homepage.




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