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Cultivating gratitude

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

Why focus on gratitude?

Because it helps us acknowlegde that even when everything seems to go wrong, there is always still something to be grateful for. And by that I don't mean that you have to find something positive in every negative aspect or situation. I simply mean that, even in challenging situations or during uneventful days, it can bring us comfort to also notice the little things:

the unexpected sunshine, the delicious tea you are drinking, a good hair day, your soft pillow, a smile from a stranger, witnessing a moment of joy between strangers outside your home, etc.

Sometimes, shifting the focus on the little things, or on more abstract things like "I can take care of myself or count on myself", helps us feel like there is still some hope, like not everything is gray. It helps us feel a little more satisfied with life, maybe even a little happier in the moment. It helps us feel connected to ourselves and our surroundings in the here and now.

In turn, showing gratitude can improve your mood and lead to lower rates of stress.

How can I cultivate gratitude?

There are multiple ways to do it. You could, for example, acknowledge the positive things that happen to you during the day or throughout your life. Or you could write down the things you are grateful for as a daily ritual. You don't have to write down a lot of things. Even three things you are grateful for each day can make a difference. On some days you might write down really nice moments that you feel grateful for. On other days you can be grateful that you are breathing, that you did not forget to eat and that it did not rain afterall. It doesn't really matter what you write down specifically. It just has to be something that you personally feel grateful for, no matter how big or small of a thing it might seem to another person.




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