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Setting boundaries with friends

Setting boundaries can be tough and feel uncomfortable. And yet, it is part of a healthy lifestyle and self-care. Setting boundaries with friends can be even more challenging if you feel that those relationships should be easy and fun and not stressful. However, friendships are like all other relationships in the sense that with different people, personnalities and experiences, come different needs and different boundaries. In order to thrive, friendship requires work and working on a relationship includes setting boundaries when needed.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” – Anna Taylor

Setting boundaries with a friend can look like:

  • "I don't like it when you call me that. Please call me ... instead"

  • "I don't feel comfortable doing this"

  • "Please don't show up unannounced"

  • "I don't have time to chat right now. I'll text you when I can"

  • "I have to leave by 10 pm"

  • "I don't want to talk about this right now. Can we change the subject?"

  • "I need some time by myself today, I will see you tomorrow"

  • "This makes me feel uncomfortable. Please don't do this in my presence"

  • "I'm leaving now"

  • "I don't want to drink tonight"

  • "I don't like sharing my food/drink, even if it's with you"

  • "I really want to help but I can't today. Can we figure something out?"

Those are of course only some possible examples that you can adapt to your own needs. What are some boundaries you feel are missing from this list? And which boundaries have you had to set with friends so far? Let me know in the comments!



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